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 姓名:贾玉华 单位:新黄金城集团1701vip 职称:副教授 职务:水土保持与荒漠化防治教研室主任

1 . 个人简况


2. 研究领域

(1) 水土保持与生态环境评价;

(2) 土壤侵蚀与土壤物理

3. 学术兼职

担任《土壤通报》青年编委,同时为以下国际期刊同行评议专家(Peer Reviewer)Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hydrology, Catena, Land Degradation & Development, Agricultural Water Management, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Ecological Indicators, Natural Hazards等。

4. 科研项目


5. 主要论著

[1] Ju, X., Jia, Y.*, Li, T., Gao, L., Gan, M., Morphology and multifractal characteristics of soil pores and their functional implication. Catena, 2021, 196: 104822.

[2] Pang Z., Jia Y., Peng X., Ju X., Gao L.* Applicability of cosmic-ray neutron sensing for measuring soil water content to heterogeneous landscapes under subtropical hydroclimatic conditions. Journal of Hydrology, 2021, 596: 126068

[3] Jia, Y.-H. *, Li, T.-C., Shao, M.-A. A preliminary investigation of gully edge effect on the distribution pattern of soil moisture across a permanent gully. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 590: 125288.

[4] Jia Y.*,1, Li T.1, Shao M.a.*, Hao J., Wang Y., Jia X., et al. Disentangling the formation and evolvement mechanism of plants-induced dried soil layers on China’s Loess Plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2019, 269-270: 57-70.

[5] Gan, M.1, Jia, Y.1, Shao, M.a. *, Guo, C., Li, T. Permanent gully increases the heterogeneity of soil water retention capacity across a slope-gully system. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2019, 272: 206-217.

[6] Li, T., Jia, Y. *, Shao, M.a. *, Shen, N. Camponotus japonicus burrowing activities exacerbate soil erosion on bare slopes. Geoderma, 2019, 348: 158-167.

[7] Li, T., Jia, Y., Shao, M.a. *, Shen, N., 2019. Camponotus japonicus ant mounds indirectly accelerate leaf litter decomposition by altering soil temperature and moisture. Soil and Tillage Research, 194: 104312.

[8] Jia, Y.-H., Shao, M.-A. * Dynamics of deep soil moisture in response to vegetational restoration on the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 519: 523-531.

[9] Jia, Y.-H., Shao, M.-A. *, Jia, X.-X. Spatial pattern of soil moisture and its temporal stability within profiles on a loessial slope in northwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 2013, 495: 150-161.

[10] Jia, Y.-H., Shao, M.-A.*. Temporal stability of soil water storage under four types of revegetation on the northern Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 117: 33-42.

[11] 赵影, 董爽, 贾玉华*. 陕北六道沟流域切沟形态复杂性及其类型划分. 干旱区研究, 2019, 36[05]: 1292-1299.

[12] 冯博, 贾小旭, 于冬雪, 赵春雷, 贾玉华*. 黄土高原北部草地土壤水分空间变异研究. 土壤通报, 2019, 50[05]: 1123-1130.

[13] 鞠忻倪, 贾玉华*, 甘淼, 金珊, 肖波. 黄土沟壑区不同地形部位土壤大孔隙特征研究. 土壤学报, 2018, 55[05]: 1098-1107.

[14] 甘淼, 贾玉华*, 李同川, 毛娜, 赵明阳. 黄土区坡沟系统容重、饱和导水率和土壤含水量变化分析. 干旱区研究, 2018, 35[02]: 315-324.

[15] 董爽, 李同川, 郭成久, 贾玉华*, 金珊. 陕北黄土区流域分水线土壤干层分布. 水科学进展, 2017, 28[06]: 811-819.

[16] 贾玉华, 邵明安*. 黄土区撂荒地土壤全磷的小尺度空间变异研究. 土壤通报, 2014, 45[01]: 116-122.

6. 人才培养


8. 联系方式

Email: jiayuhua@syau.edu.cn


主办单位:沈阳农业大学新黄金城集团1701vip 版权所有:沈阳农业大学新黄金城集团1701vip
 地址:辽宁省沈阳市沈河区 联系电话:(024)88491234  备案号:辽ICP备05001374号

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